Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Celibacy and the Church

The old choir boys are singing again but this time they are not doing it in unison with their old teachers. They are vocalizing the abuses received by these eminent and learned lechers.
I read today that in Rome they are investigating 3000 cases of abuse by the clergy in Europe, Australia, the U.S.A. and Asia. The problem as I see it is not one of homosexuality which in itself is as old and well-established as Methusalem, practiced by adults of the same sex and tendencies all over the world with great enjoyment and satisfaction. Some of my homosexual friends are horrified reading about these clothed men torturing children in order to satisfy their libido. Who are these people? Certainly not just homosexuals!
I´ll tell you who they are; members of a religious order who, in order to follow their vocation have to take a vow of celibacy( as if legislating celibacy implies the same as removing the need).There are places such as prisons, convents, seminaries and single sex schools that normal sound minded people should avoid at all costs. It breeds unnatural situations, where physical sex manifests itself in the form of sadistic games, bringing out the worst in peoples subconscious.
If the Catholic Church genuinely wants to reduce the number of children abused it should do away with the vow of celibacy right away. The only other alternative is that it should chemically castrate every member of the clergy. The right way is to put it to the vote and accept for the first time in history a democratic decision. Whatever happens we have to stop calling the perpetrators of these terrible acts homosexual, because they are not. At least the vast majority of them are not gay but just perverted sick people who live from guilt to guilt teaching compassion in the name of a God never met nor ever will. The one who are genuinely homosexual usually join the Anglican faith!!

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